We are doing all that we can to protect ourselves and the public during the pandemic by putting plans, safeguards and signage in place to ensure we are following all current Public Health measures. In fact, in many instances, we are exceeding these measures.
We are continuously evaluating and adjusting our work procedures and practices as needed to keep everyone safe. Some of these measures include; daily employee self-screening for fit for duty, employee training on pandemic prevention practices and changes to our process/procedures, controlling unnecessary access from non-employees (i.e. no onsite sales calls), additional Personal Protective Equipment required include the wearing of masks, regular use of hand sanitizer and disinfecting practices on common touch points, physical distancing, signage, and staggard start and end times for shifts, breaks and crews in and around the shop areas.
Saskatoon (Head Office)
715 47th Street West
Saskatoon, SK S7L 7M1
Phone: 306-931-0010
Fax: 306-931-7673
2550 Gottselig Road
RM of Sherwood, SK, S4K 0A6
Phone: 306-525-5999
Fax: 306-525-5993
10358 8th Avenue
Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0
Phone: 306-682-1002
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